Plus Finance becomes an EOT and is now part-owned by its employees

Georgia PullenNews

The founders of Plus Finance, Nicki Matthews and Steve Pullen established the company in 2001 to support the fit-out market with an ethical approach to financing, based on relationships and trust. As of 19th January 2024, Nicki and Steve have transferred the majority of their shares in Plus Finance Ltd to Plus Finance EOT Ltd to hold the shares on behalf of the employees. After 22 years of running Plus … Read More

Two little ducks = 22

Plus Finance LtdNews

In Bingo Lingo two little ducks = 22 and we’re hoping this will help you remember the number 22 because it is the monthly rate per £1000 you need to remember to be work out a rough leasing price. Simply divide the cost of the project by 1000 and multiply by ‘Two Little Ducks – 22” and that’s the monthly price over 5 years For Example £50,000 divided by 1000 … Read More

Autumn Statement – Plus Finance’s view on Full Expensing

Plus Finance LtdOpinion

In his Autumn Statement, the chancellor has sensibly announced the temporary tax break of full expensing on investment in plant and machinery will be made permanent. This policy means companies can get all the tax back on an industrial investment, reducing their bill by up to £250,000 for every £1 million spent. Previously this was due to end in April 2026, so giving businesses a degree of certainty in planning … Read More

What’s special about 22?

Plus Finance LtdNews

There are lots of reasons why the number 22 is special – some more significant than others! For example, some people believe that the number 22 holds a special place in the realm of numbers carrying various meanings and symbolisms in different cultures and belief systems. And slightly less significant … But most importantly …. And Find out in the next few days the significance of Two Little Ducks and … Read More